1. Song: Sink the Bismark -- Johnny Horton
2. Advertisement for Robert Hall Clothiers
3. Weather report in German Town
4. WIBG Grandparent Contest - Win $9.00 Cash from WIBG!
5. Song: All my love -- Jackie Wilson
6. WIBG Greenback Dollar Contest
7. Jingle Ad. for Breyer's Ice Cream
8. Jingle -- WIBG Radiant Radio!
9. Song: Don't be cruel -- Instrumental -- Bill Black Combo.
10. Jingle for Mennen Shaving Cream
11. Jingle for Rocket Radio -- Radio 99 WIBG!
12. Jingle for King Size Coca Cola
13. Song: One More Round -- Pat Boone
14. Advertisement for Farmer Dick Barone Used Cars
15. Song; I walk the line -- J.P. Morgan
16. Great Jingle for L& M Cigarettes -- The Friendly Flavor!
17. WIBG Contest Winner of $9.00 announced
18. News
19. Advertisement for John Hancock Life Insurance
20. Song: Volare' -- (Sorry I have forgotten this artists name though I know the song)
21. Song: The Sound of two -- Bobby Rydell
22. Advertisement for Rambler -- "Drive Smart & Go Rambler!"
23. Great WIBG Jingle
24. WIBG Best album of the week -- Johnny Mathis "The Rhythms & Ballads of Broadway" plays track off of album -- You do something to me.
25. Advertisement for Peels Beer
26. WIBG Announcement for "Claim your name contest"
27. Song: Let's think about living -- Bob Luman
28. Advertisement for Marv Polo Chevrolet Cars
29. Sports Report
30. Song: Primrose Lane --
31. Advertisement for Iron City Beer
32. Jingle for WIBG Radio 99
33. WIBG $9 Contest -- Call if you're a Vegetarian!
34. Song: Sleep -- Little Willie John
35. Jingle for the Plymouth Valiant
36. Jingle for Nescafe Coffee
37. WIBG News Broadcast ...
--- 23 People killed in Pennsylvania due to car accidents this weekend -- Last Weekend of the Summer.
-- 2 Soviet Citizens defect to the United States.
-- Hurricane Donna making her way up the Atlantic Coast.
38. WIBG Jingle
39. Song: Lonely Boy -- Paul Anka
End of Broadcast.